Phelsuma kely
The smallest species of the genus Phelsuma with a maximum total length of 71 mm. The coloration is variable and depends on the mood of the Gecko. When active the primary colour is white-grey with a black pattern, but can also become very dark. Like in many members of the Phelsuma lineata-group a black lateral line is present. The legs are greyish with a black pattern.
Phelsuma kely only occurs near Lac Ampitabe in eastern Madagascar.
Terra Typica
Lac Ampitabe near Andranokoditra.
Lac Ampitabe
Lac Ampitabe is mainly surrounded by secondary forest. Phelsuma kely is found on Dracaena sp. trunks of small diameter (2 cm). The colouration of the gecko is well adapted to its habitat. It lives sympatric with Phelsuma quadriocellata parva and Phelsuma guttata, but is less abundant. In March 2003, temperatures of 27.4° C where measured during the day and 22.6° C at night. The humidity was 88% at night and 83% during the day.