Phelsuma cepediana
Image © Emmanuel Van Heygen
Phelsuma cepediana is endemic to Mauritius island, where it is wide spread and eurytopic. This gecko inhabits the entire island but is absent on the many satellite islands and islets except on Île aux Bénitiers. Phelsuma cepediana has the largest distribution area and highest population density of all Mauritian members of the genus.
A recently established population is present on Rodrigues near Anse aux Anglais (Reuthe, 1997), probably through anthropogenic dispersal. Several records of Réunion exist, the species was introduced near St. Marie in the 1960's and later near La Montagne (Probst,1997) but there is no confirmation of established populations. It is also unconfirmed if the records of Phelsuma cepediana from Madagascar near Ambanja and Ivoloina (north of Toamasina) are established populations. The animals from Madagascar were once described as "Phelsuma trilineatum" (Gray, 1842), but the origin of the type specimen remained uncertain.
Terra typica
Port Louis, Mauritius
Phelsuma cepediana has adapted itself to several habitats on the island, but the highest population densities seem to occur in the cooler and wetter regions. On the higher plateaus the animals are found on all types of palm and broad leaf trees, including Ravanela madagascariensis, Mimusop maxima, Sideroxylon grandiflorum and Diospyros tessellaria These areas have an annual rainfall over 4445 mm. In the lower regions of the island Phelsuma cepediana is found in areas with higher humidity near rivers and streams and in the denser woodlands, gardens and plantations.